Thursday, March 8, 2007

A new life, a new identity in blogosphere....

I have been reading blogs for a long time now. I have read all kinds of blogs, ones that touched me and ones that I didn't think about.; ones I read and ones I didn't want to see ever again; ones that set me thinking and ones I wanted to forget. I respect all bloggers for their commitment and courage to showcase their thoughts to the world . I am sure the writing also helps one organize one's thinking and especially if one is writing about problems, the writing helps you get a new perspective. I hope to get all this and more from my decision to blog. There have been times in my life when I wanted to make a story out of my life. But I never believed that I have the capacity to write and have people read it and get interested. I have finally gathered the guts to atleast try. Like they say, it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Maybe one day I will say," it is better to have blogged and lost than...."


Sumitha said...

I hope you dont loose anything Amethyst and why will you?Welcome to the blogosphere!Wish you a pleasant stay!

Geets said...

Welcome on board, Shilpa